1.1 Using Calendar Views [top]
The calendar provides several different views for
browsing events.
1.1.1 Day View [top]
Day view displays all of the events scheduled on a
single day. The events are listed in the order they are
scheduled to occur, with untimed and day-long events
appearing first.
You can get to the day view screen in several ways:
1. Click the "Day" navigation link in the upper left
corner of the calendar display.
2. In week view, click the header of the day you'd like
to view, for example "Wed Aug 15."
3. In month view, click the number of the day you'd
like to view.
From day view, you can view detailed information about
events by clicking their titles.
1.1.2 Week View [top]
Week view displays one week's worth of events at a
glance. The events are separated by day and listed in
the order they are scheduled to occur. Untimed and
day-long events appear first on each day's listing.
You can get to the week view screen in several ways:
1. Click the "Week" navigation link in the upper left
corner of the calendar display.
2. If week numbers are displayed in month view, you can
click the week
number link in the upper left corner of each Sunday.
links indicate the position of the week in the year
(the first week of the year is "week 01," for example,
and the last is "week 52").
From week view, you can view detailed information about
events by clicking their titles.
To move to the next or previous weeks, click the arrow
links located on the right and left of the week title
("<<" or ">>").
1.1.3 Month View [top]
Month view displays a month's schedule at a glance. For
each day, events are listed in the order they are
scheduled to occur, with untimed and day-long events
appearing first.
You can get to the month view screen in several ways:
1. Click the "Month" navigation link in the upper left
corner of the calendar display.
2. In year view, click the name of a month.
From month view, you can view detailed information
about events by clicking their titles.
To move to the next or previous months, click the arrow
links located on the right and left of the month title
("<<" or ">>").
1.1.4 Year View [top]
Year view (if enabled on your system) provides a
display of the current year at a glance. To view more
detailed information about a month, click its name.
To display year view, click the "Year" navigation link
at the upper left of the calendar display.
In this view, days that have events scheduled are shown
in bold.
1.1.5 Event View [top]
Event view displays detailed information about a single
event. To get to the event view screen, click the name
of an event.
In event view, you'll find the complete details of the
event, including date, time, location, and a full
1.1.6 Audience Highlighting [top]
The calendar allows you to highlight events by
audience. The audience links are located in the upper
right of the calendar display. When you click an
audience link, the calendar display change color to
call attention to the events scheduled for that
audience. To change the audience focus, click another
audience link, or click the "All" link to return to the
default view.
1.2 Searching for Events [top]
To access the search form, click the "Search"
navigation link in the upper left corner of the
calendar display.
You may search the calendar by date, keyword, event
type, and/or special audience. If you leave a search
field blank, the system will search without regard to
that parameter. For example, if you don't check any
special audiences, the system will search events
targeted to all audiences.
By default, the search will ignore events that have
already occurred. If you would like to include past
events in your search, click the "Include events that
have already occurred" checkbox.
1.3 Adding, Editing, and Deleting Events [top]
If this option is enabled by the site administrator,
you may contribute events to the calendar.
1.3.1 Adding an Event [top]
To add an event:
1. Click the "Add an Event" link, located in the lower
left corner of the calendar display.
2. Enter your username and password, or if this is your
first event, create an account by filling in a short
registration form.
3. Fill in the following:
- the name of the event
- the event type
- a description of the event (optional)
- a related web site (optional). For the web site,
please supply both the name of the site and the
address, or URL.
- the target audience(s) for the event (optional)
4. Click the "Continue" button to move to the
scheduling form.
5. Fill in the following:
- the event's location (optional). If the location is
not on the pop-up menu, use the write-in field.
- the event's start date. If this is a one-day event,
enter the date of the event.
- the event's end date, if this is a multi-day or
repeating event (optional).
- the event's starting time (optional). If the event
doesn't have a particular time associated with it (if
it is a holiday, for example), leave this field blank.
- the event's ending time (optional).
6. If this will be a repeating event, fill in the
- the event's repeat type. An event that runs several
consecutive days would be "Daily." One that repeats
every Saturday, for example, would be "Weekly." One
that repeats the first of every month would be "Monthly
by Date." An event that repeats every third Monday of
the month, for example, would be "Monthly by Day."
Christmas Day (every December 25), for example, would
be "Yearly by Date," while Thanksgiving (the last
Thursday in November) would be "Yearly by Day."
- if the event repeats weekly, select the days on which
it repeats.
- Frequency. In most cases, Frequency will remain the
default "1." If, however, you would like the event to
repeat every other week (or every other month,
day, or year), enter "2" for Frequency. For every
third week (or month, day, or year), you would
enter a Frequency of "3," and so on.
7. Finally, decide whether or not you'd like this event
to be featured on the site home page. This option only
applies if the site has integrated calendar events into
its home page.
8. When you're done entering information, click the
"Finish" button.
A message will appear onscreen indicating when your
event will appear on the calendar. Some sites require
administrator approval before posting new events.
1.3.2 Editing an Event [top]
To edit an event:
1. Click the "Edit a Listing" link,
located in the lower left corner of the calendar
2. On the Public Edit Menu, select the type of
you'd like to edit:
- If you need to edit the event name, description,
type, audiences or web site, click "Edit an Event."
- If you need to edit the event location, date, time,
or repetition schedule, click "Edit an Event Schedule."
- If you need to cancel or change the time of an
instance of an event (a single meeting of a weekly
class, for example), click "Edit an Instance of an
3. You will see a listing of events that you have
permission to edit. You may only edit events that you
created. Select an event by clicking its title.
4. Modify the desired information and click "Update."
A message will appear onscreen indicating when your
modifications will appear on the calendar. Some sites
require administrator approval before posting changes.
1.3.3 Deleting an Event [top]
If the administrator has enabled this option, you may
delete events that you posted on the calendar.
1. Click the "Edit a Listing" link, located in the
lower left corner of the calendar display.
2. On the Public Edit Menu, select "Edit an Event."
3. You will see a listing of events that you have
permission to edit. You may only edit events that you
created. Select an event by clicking its title.
4. Click the "Delete" button at the bottom of the form.
A message will appear onscreen indicating when your
deletion will take effect. Some sites require
administrator approval before deleting events.
1.3.4 Updating Your Account [top]
You can change your username, password, full name, or
e-mail address associated with your account.
1. Click the "Update Your Account" link, located in the
lower left corner of the calendar display.
2. Modify the desired information and click "Update."